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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Exception Handling (try n catch)

Exception handling in C++ is implemented by using try,catch and throw. An example of how these are used is given in the following program : 

try { ....  } // tries a set of statement to test the presence of an exception
throw(VALUE); // to throw a value in case an exception has occured 
catch( ... ) { ... } // to catch the exception and take appropriate steps to handle it. Can have parameters to receive a particular type of value.

// Program for exeception handling in C++

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int x;
    std::cout<<" Enter the value of x : ";
    std::cin>>x; // prompts the user to enter some value of x
    try // try block to test the value of x
       if ( x > 0 )
          throw (0); // throws an integer
          throw ('a'); // throws a character
    catch(int n)
              std::cout<<" \n Caught Integer !!! ";
    catch(char ch)
               std::cout<<"\n Caught Character !!!";
    return 0;
} // end of main

Exception handled when x < 0

Exception handled when x > 0


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